Code: Trimline 170 Front

5,650.00 4,050.00

Code: Trimline 170 Front

5,650.00 4,050.00

Trimline 170 Front

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Trimline 170 Front

Wide, wider, the widest! This frontal fireplace is 170 cm wide, making a true statement in your home.


Full description
Do you agree with ‘the wider, the better’? If so, this fireplace is for you! This extra wide frontal fireplace with its double burner will add the ambience you’re looking for to any room you install it in. The landscape model showcases many more flames than a regular fireplace and creates a very luxurious look.

All this at a single press of a button! And if you want even more flames, order the version with a black glass interior that will reflect the fire, doubling the number of flames.

The standard version of the Trimline 170 Front has a burner bed made of wooden logs and a lamelas interior. It also has a double burner system. The version shown here has a basalt burner bed and a black glass interior. It comes with the Ecomax remote control and you can choose to add WiFi-control with our Trimline Fires app. Click here to view all of the customisation options.

Technical specifications
Natural Gas LPG
Heat input (kW) 15,3 15,1
Heat output max (kW) 12,0 12,4
Heat output min (kW) 3,5 3,0
Gas consumption (m³/h)/(kg/h LPG) 1,2 0,7
Efficiency* % 82 82
Energy label* B B
Flue size (mm) 130/200 130/200
Weight (kg) 180 180