Fireplace ANTEK whole cast of cast iron, large deflector vermiculite. It has a built-in pre-damper system, clean the glass, which prevents excessive okopcaniu the windows, so that the cartridge gets an additional amount of air used at the post-combustion flue gas. sleek and aesthetic handle and knobs damper and ash pan, heat resistant glass. Single-door and ash pan contributions are sealed graphite rope, allowing continuous operation of the fireplace. Fireplace Inserts ANTEK has the necessary systems of work, ie 1 The combustion air controller 2 Deflector 3 The damper fixing the thrust of the chimney (damper) 4 Ash drawer. 5 Air jacket on the glass front is made entirely of cast iron Class 200 wall thickness of the furnace is not less than 8mm. Heat-resistant glass ceramic. The door and ash pan contributions are sealed graphite rope, allowing continuous operation of the fireplace.